Hallelujah! and Amen!  for the sisters and the brothers

Packing heat in church so they can do it unto others

The message in this land of well-regulated militia

Is when the shooting starts hit your knees and pray they miss ya.

For  example, take events at a church in Arkansas

Where the faithful carry concealed (The governor signed a law)

As the soloist was praising the Father and the Son

Old Harvey with the hearing aid thought someone hollered "Gun!"

Harve pulled his equalizer and drilled one through the clock

The preacher yelled "God save us all!" and grabbed his trusty Glock

An usher was  mistaken for a sanctuary invader

By a deacon who dropped him with one round from his persuader

As the organist bent over, she caught one in the cheek

"Be careful!" screamed the preacher's wife. "That organ's an antique!"

Crazy  Larry jumped up firing and three rows hit the deck

"Don't worry," yelled his mother. "He passed the background check!"

Ricochets were whistling, stained windows were exploding

The choir worked in harmony:  Six firing, six reloading

"They know not what they do!" exclaimed shy Sister Carol

As she sprayed the room with ammo from her dad's old double barrel

Ambulances were summoned, order was restored

Survivors sent up heartfelt prayers of thanks unto the Lord

Despite collateral damage, pride buoyed the congregation

Having exercised the rights bestowed by the founders of the nation